1. New Sofa:
I've shown you this sofa before, I know. And really, I'm about to pull the trigger. Thing is, it costs about $2000, and I'm cheap. I'm a cheap covet-er. I mean, I don't know why $2K seems like such a big deal-- I've had my current sofa for 11 years and I spend as much time as possible sitting on the couch, so it's not like I won't get my money's worth out of the thing. I'd pay that for a laptop that would only last two years. Can you tell I'm trying really hard to talk myself into this?
2. Jens Quistgaard Lovig Desk:
I've been lusting after one of these babies for ages. It would look SO pretty behind my new sofa, and it's so big that Ray and I could both work there; it's even big enough to serve as a secondary dining table. It was designed by Jens Quistgaard (as you may have guessed from its name) in the 70's. I love its skinny inset legs, narrow drawers, and broad work surface. Even better, that top hutch flips down to give you 10" more desk. Unfortunately, they generally sell for somewhere between $2000 and $5000. I happened across one (slightly damaged) on Craigslist for $650 last week, but (for obvious reasons, ie, it is gorgeous, that's a great price for it, and it's an iconic piece) it had already sold when I emailed the seller [swears under breath]. Oh well. I'll just keep coveting.
3. A New Dining-Room Rug
No photo-- I have no idea what I want in there. I'm hoping I'll know it when I see it.
4. Two Rast Dressers That Will Be Remade Into Gorgeous Nightstands Inspired By This One:
Found here.
Yes, that is a Rast. I'm obsessed with it. When I close my eyes at night, I dream of Rasts. Since they're only $35 a pop, this one's just a matter of driving to Portland and picking up a pair. Even a cheap covet-er can afford that. I'll paint mine chartreuse (it's a dominant color in the maybe-priceless-maybe-came-from-a-yard-sale Persian in my bedroom). I'll follow the tutorial provided at the link above or maybe I'll order some molding from O'verlays to make the process a little simpler. In any case, these'll provide more storage in the bedroom and give us more nightstand surface to work with. Perhaps for a new pair of awesome lamps?
5. A Big White Ceramic Dog For The Hearth:
Because isn't that awesome? I've wanted them ever since I was like eight and I read that Anne of Green Gables had two china dogs named Gog and Magog (one facing east, one facing west) on either side of her hearth. Or maybe I'd take a set of really cool peacock-blue antique Foo dogs:

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