Saturday, October 20, 2012

Master Sweet

Yeah, it's not a suite.  But it's sweet.  See what I did there?  Kind of like Siouxie and the Banshees.  It makes sense if you don't think about it.

I promised photos of Grammy's/Mom's/Sissy's old Persian in the bedroom.  And I also need some advice, so here are some photos I took this morning (by the way, I really need to learn to clean up all the little things on my occasional tables before I take pictures):

View from door, with Ray's watch and wedding ring on the nightstand and our can't-live-without-it box fan in the corner.

[Yep, we have a TV in the bedroom.  Incidentally, it's the same TV that my BFF Mrs. S. (over at Pirouettes & Gossamer) and I bought in 2002 for our first apartment in Ashland, VA.  We each paid $100 for it.  BEST. INVESTMENT. EVER.  The TV then moved into Mrs. S' first postcollege apartment in Richmond.  After that it moved into my dear friend Jilly's house with me, then to Charlottesville to keep me company while I was in grad school, then to New Haven and my first apartment with Ray.  Then it traveled cross-country in a POD (portable! on! demand! storage!) and lived in our rental condo for a year before moving into our house with us.  And every move has taken years off our lives since the thing weighs at least 300lbs.  So I'm quite attached to it really.  Plus if we didn't have it, we wouldn't be able to watch "The Colbert Report" every night before bed, and that is nonnegotiable.]

The rug looks pretty, non?  Here's another view of the room: 

Check it-- you can't see where the weird cabinet used to be AT ALL.  But you CAN see two things I need to change in that photo:  first, the curtains.  I bought them at World Market while I was in graduate school.  I only had one window in my room at the time, hence the two curtain panels.  Over the years we've become quite attached to them, as they darken the room like nobody's business.  Seriously, you can sleep in all day with these babies closed.  But I obviously need to buy more of them-- you can see this one's lonely mate on the other window in the first photo.

Second, the throw pillows.  All of those are really nice down pillows I bought on the super-cheap from TJ Maxx, like, half a million years ago.  I plan to make new covers for them.  And someday I will.  I'm thinking awesome olive-green and teal or golden ikats and block prints?  What say ye?

Third vista:

This picture includes the only piece of art we've managed to hang so far.  My grandmother pulled it out of a Dumpster some years back.  (Have I mentioned that my grandmother is totally awesome?  I don't know very many other ladies in their 80's who Dumpster-dive to rescue original watercolor paintings.)  

It also prominently features one of my most prized possessions: my headboard.  I rescued those tin ceiling tiles from my oldest friend Courtney's former workplace, a cool PR firm that was housed in a historic building in Richmond (check out Courtney's awesome house here).  The tiles had been taken down and were being stored on the second floor of the building, and yada yada yada, now I have two of them.  I drew a picture of the headboard I wanted, and my dad built it for me.  Because my dad can do that kind of stuff-- and also renovate bathrooms, fix cars and boats, hang drywall, do plumbing and electrical, and did I tell you about that time when I was 13 and I was swimming in the Bay and a ring slipped off my finger and my dad DRAGGED THE BOTTOM OF THE CREEK, ACCOUNTING FOR THE TIDES until he found it?  Yep, that happened.

This photo also includes a phone charger lying on the floor (how did I fail to notice that when I took the picture?), a piece of quarter-round, and our TV remote.  Awesome.

This room still needs baseboards, and we obviously need to hang the rest of the art.  But progress is progress.  

What I've learned from this post is that I have lots of sentimental objects in my bedroom, including an old television.  Anyhow, see y'all siouxn.

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