Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Once More Into the Bathroom

Okay, so my awesome DIY bathroom-soffit-removal-and-wall-repair project kind of went awry at the last second.  

I'd taped and mudded and mudded and mudded and mudded and mudded and sanded and mudded and blah blah blah you get it.  It was looking pretty damned good: 

And then I started celebrating prematurely, which is always foolish.  

It was time for the last super-easy steps: spraying some orange-peel texture and painting my beautiful handwork.  I was barely even paying attention-- honestly, I was probably daydreaming about what a home-improvement badass I am and how much everyone totally envies my skillz.  What could possibly go wrong?  So I didn't even flinch when I ran out of orange-peel spray.  Back at the Home Depot (kind of like the Bat Cave for a girl who's mid-reno), I picked up a can of orange-peel spray identical to the one I'd been using.  No sweat.

So then I got the can home and I followed the instructions and did EXACTLY what I'd done with the previous can.  Except instead of a nice manageable stream of little texture-bits, I got enormous crazy chunks of orange-peel shooting out in every direction.  Not kidding-- it somehow managed to get ALL OVER EVERY SURFACE in the bathroom, including my face, which was behind the can.  How exactly does that work?  Then it coughed politely and the chunks just started running down the can.  

Like they say, pride comes before a fall.  I was heartbroken, and I also needed a break from the bathroom.  I decided to let it dry and just paint it.  I'll fix it later.  And honestly, it's really not THAT unbelievably horrible:   

 Obviously the ceiling isn't painted and the paint is drying in this photo, which leaves a weird light-dark impression that makes the whole thing look worse than it really is.  

And just for the record, yet another first-day shot (after we'd removed the shower door and the blinds that were about 4in too wide for the window on either side)-- this with a just-took-it-yesterday-and-forgot-to-zhuzh-the-hand-towel-and-straighten-the-blinds-but-I-think-you-get-the-idea shot for comparative purposes:

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